Saturday, October 31, 2009

What do you think about the guy who had TB virus, yet flew all over europe?

Do you think he is innocent but negligent simply thinking it was OK for him to travel, and go on his honeymoon, or is the fact that he flew back to Canada from europe before driving back into US, makes his guilt premeditated? Do you think it is fair that he was broadcasted like an international terrorist? Or was he plain irresponsible, not meaning bad?
he says he has a tape that proves they didn't tell him he couldn't fly and sounds genuinely sorry. I think the progressive assertion by the CDC and his local doctors sounds suspicious. I really find it curious that his father-in-law works in the TB unit at CDC. Think he tried to prevent the wedding by infecting his future son-in-law? He's under investigation
i dont know
Extremely selfish.
You know TB isn't as uncommon as people think. It is airbourne and many millions of people carry it. Most the time poeple don't know they have it and it doesn't bother them. I don't think he should be broadcast as a terroist.
he's guilty

1. his new father-in-law is a disease specialist at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta. Apparently, both "Dad" and his own physician told him he shouldn't fly.

2. he is a personal injury lawyer [litigator, not solicitor]. He makes his living arguing in court that people should have know their actions were dangerous to others and that since his client was injured, the person should pay [and big dollars, too].

My quite serious suggestion for anyone who finds out they unknowingly were exposed to this drug resistant form of TB is to sue the guy. Get a real bulldog of an injury attorney [John Edwards needs a job!! :-)] and take him for millions. The anxiety and worry while you wait and wait for test results alone should be compensated with 25 million USD.

dang fool.

There's a lot of conflicting information on this story. Take a look at this article in June 2 New York Times: .

(Times website is free. You may have to register if you haven't already.)

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