Saturday, October 31, 2009

What do you guys think of this and what are your views?

hello guys just seen this article this week on the yeahoo news i want your views on this subject please and what you think?
Jail population hits new high

Press Assoc. - 38 minutes agoThe prison population in England and Wales has reached a new all-time high of 80,977.

The record was up 174 on a previous high set just three weeks ago.

It means the jails are just 481 places away from their absolute capacity.

It included 415 prisoners being housed in police stations and 24 in court cells.

Director of the Prison Reform Trust, Juliet Lyon, said: "Forget rehabilitation - imprisonment is now reduced to a dangerous game of musical cells.

"Prison after prison is reaching its safe operating limit so people are being decanted into unsuitable court and prison cells.

"In some cases, they are stacked up in escort vans reeking of urine. This is no way to run a criminal justice system."

It came on the day it was revealed that prisoners were paid 拢2.5 million
Simple solution: Kill all of them. Then, kill Tony Blair and his band of retarded cronies for allowing things to get to this level. Perhaps if there was some kind of actual deterrent, rather than the nanny state that we have just now, things would be different. As it stands, criminals are NOT punished, whereas decent, law abiding people are. The state of the UK is one horrible joke.
prison doesnt work
How many people that are in prison really deserve to be there. I am sure if they went through the books there would be 1000's of prisoners that could be released.
Bring back hanging I say
Indeed there are all sorts of auguments about who should be and who should not be sent to prison. I am tols that many people in prison should not be there because of mental health problems and many more would not have got there in the first place if they could read and wright. I don't know the answer but it would appear that the basic education is gong wrong sort literacy out and some of the problem will be ultimately solved. A
Attitude is different it will need a basic sea change in the ideas of some people in respect of "Rights" and "Duty" and right and wrong. In the meantime build more prisons.
It certainly shows how pathetic our civilization is. On both sides. One for all the crimes being comitted, and two for not building another prison somewhere (or building them bigger in the first place). I hate it when they try to be cost effective, yet they know that there will be a problem down the road.

Send 'em to France!
If you yourself are not incarcerated then what is the worry. If you do a crime you know without a doubt that if you do get caught the outcome will be Judicial punishment. To me the harder the punishment the less likely for re occurrence.
Doug Stanhope is right: 'We are a f**king failing species'
It's unfortunately a sad reflection on modern society...we all want to be safe on the streets, and make criminals accountable for their actions in the form of being punished.but there is a huge social cost to it all...

The government have a serious problem as they don't want the double whammy cost effect of having to pay to build more prisons...and top of that...they then have to pay people to staff them and the cost of keeping the prisoners there..but if they alternatively are seen to be soft on crime...i.e. tag potentially dangerous people and let them live in society.then that [quite rightly in my point of view] is likely to be seen as being soft on crime.which will be very unpopular amongst the public.

What is the answer.I'm not sure..but I think two areas that need to be looked again are drug this causes an awful lot of crime in addicts needing money...

And then there is immigration...and I am sure that has added to the crime issue.
I think it is ridiculous. In an attempt to decrease the numbers of those being sent to prison on a continual basis, I believe rehabilitation programs should be instituted. In my opinion, if prisoners are allowed to educate themselves and earn a degree of some sorts, that alone will decrease the numbers of ex-offenders returning to jail.

The numbers provided above furthermore proves that the justice system has failed a whole. I thought you are innocent until proven guilty. In most cases, you are guilty until proven innocent. There is no reason for inmates to have to endure traveling miles and miles in urine reeked vehicles and being treated like trash by correctional officers and whomever else. I understand if you did the crime, you have to do the time; however, there is no need to strip people of their dignity. It's silly and needs to be addressed.
The English speaking countries in Western Europe, the UK and Ireland, are alone in that a majority of people seriously believe that harsh prison sentences act as a deterrent. The rest of Europe has started to listen to behavioural sciences a long time ago.

Every study ever done by criminologists has shown that the only deterrent that works is the high possibility to be caught, and that training programs in prison are a very good way to prevent people from re-offending.

Of course in a society where money is the measure of all things, how do you explain to a shoplifter that he is going to be sent to prison while the banker ,who has got himself a million or two by interpreting the rules to suit him better, is retired with a golden handshake. The kind of resentment things like that breed is also, in my view, a constituent of the ever higher number of crimes against property.

Nobody is going to be a better person from being locked up for 23 hours a day and being treated like dirt. Those people come out of prison with a lot of rage and the need to feel powerful again. It is mostly only a question of time until they end up in prison again, and so the cycle starts anew with every single youngster that is sent to prison for minor offences against property, instead of being made responsible to the person he has offended against, and being taught better ways to deal with his personal problems within the community.
Apart from reducing crime and the number of criminals, this system would save the state, i.e. everybody, a lot of money.
I feel, though, that introducing a different system of justice would require an awful lot of work in the way of educating people, and a clamp-down on the lust of certain media for blood.

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