Saturday, October 24, 2009

What do employers look for in a background check?criminal or employment history?

Jobs are not able to use your background as a not to hire unless you have a crime on there that says you cant be around kids or large amounts of cash like a bank that the job you are going to bve doing requires you to do. My family is full of Felons there are a few of us in my family that aren't but the ones who have a bad background have great jobs in Hospitals. OK, my husband is going to be working with the Sheriffs Department here in Arizona and the one thing they say is if you have a felony you cant work for them cause of the criminals that you would have to deal with. Now they told him that the number one thing is lying about anything from smoking pot last year if you did say it and it wont go against you at all as long as you have a clean UA now. What the check does is says who you are and why you may have lied on the application to get the job. It has nothing to do with your past jobs, driving record, or credit. The credit check is a different form and cant be checked unless you sign a paper saying they can look at it. A employer has no right to dig into your background unless you say ok to it. This also includes your school records on if you finished or not. Now if you never got the paper work on these checks they cant happen at all without you saying ok to it its against the law and its Federal law not state.
Both, also credit, also to see if you lied about anything, like education, etc.
Both. Lying on a resume isn't a good idea.
Actually both.
In PA, criminal checks are done thru the state police..They will come back one of 3 ways, no record, charges pending, or convictions. (you could have charges pending and convictions.)
They look for everything. They check to see if you were ever convicted of a felony, been to jail for any amount of time, or even been in front of a judge. Employment wise, they check to see where you worked, and the reason why you no longer work there [Don't ever lie and say you quit, but was really fired]. They also check to see if you front any details.
It depends on the type or job and the employer; most not only do prior employment history and criminal background checks, but also pull credit histories and are reluctant to hire peopel with bad credit.
I agree with everyone. It is both.
They'll always ask for a background check if it will include credit history. Generally they will also ask if it doesn't just to make sure you know. They CAN use information on your credit to deny you a job, ie have huge amounts of debt and are wanting a job as a payroll clerk or check casher, they'll not hire you for that. If they deny a job because of credit though they must give you notice just like when you're denied a credit card. They do NOT have to notify you though in most states if it's something from the background check (other then credit) that's the reason for not hiring, and most will NOT just to protect themself.

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