Saturday, October 24, 2009

What do others think about politicians wanting to keep their expenses secret? Is it because they do not want?

us to know that they are buying quad bikes, ipods. plasma tv sets plus lots of other things with OUR money?
My feeling is that any money that goes from the public purse to anyone should be open to inspection for anyone that cares to look. There should be no secrecy for any form of expenditure especially in goverment circles. These people are, after all, our representatives (although they seem to forget it sometimes) and should be answerable to us for all things
You'd NEVER vote for them again!
they are paid with public money so should have no right to keep it secret.
I think its an outrage. The expenses ought to be public domain info. If they have nothing to hide why try to keep it hidden.
For those of you who have an expense account from your employer. Just tell him to pay the money but you don't want to tell him what you have spent it on.
If they have nothing to hide they have nothing to fear - as they keep telling us!
Only they have the deceitful +++**!
Roy S
What an absolute farce!! we should know exactly what their 'expenses' are seeing as its us who pay for them.
Because prostitution is illegal!
ft is obvious to me that the MP's are bleeding us dry,They want to know how we spend our money, and squeeze every last penny out of us, and they pay for nothing themselves.
The vast majority of them are there for one thing only and that is their own preservation and financial gain.
They believe that they are immune from public criticism and scrutiny and that they are always right.
Just watch their antics on Question time.
This is a classic example of a law written by Parliament turning around and biting them somewhere very painful. Blair's trumpeting of the 'people's' Freedom of Information Act was brought in in a blaze of publicity to allegedly increase confidence in public services. How wrong they were.
i think you hit the nail on the head. what other reason could there be. if they spent the money in a moral way they wouldnt need to hide thei expenses.
MPs should do the job for nothing,as do local coucillors... just for expenses fully accountable
Because they spend more money then we expect them too

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