Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What does "proceeding to take discovery" mean?

my lawyer talk me that. not sure what it means
"Discovery" is often a formal interview process where the other side asks you questions with your own attorney present. Another form is essetially where your attorney basically goes through all the papers and other evidence possesed by the other side. It's basically an investigation
Discovery is what happens after a lawsuit begins but before the case actually goes to trial. There are several types of discovery, but all discovery helps each side to figure out what the other side knows and helps each side develop their case. One can take depositions, basically interviews of the people who are involved in the case, and who may end up being witnesses at the trial. One can ask written questions, called interrogatories, to the other side. One can also ask the other side for all the documents they have that pertain to the case. This is usually called requests for production of documents. Your attorney is probably starting to do all of these things.

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