Saturday, October 31, 2009

What do you think about this Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill?

I am still trying to figure out exactly what our government is trying to reform. Check out the following article about yesterday's Senate Vote.
The Senate has rejected an amendment to the so-called "comprehensive immigration reform" bill that would have denied legal status to illegal alien felons who ignored deportation orders or returned to the U.S. after being deported.
Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) says proponents of the supposed "grand compromise" on immigration failed to take an opportunity to restore public confidence that the Senate is "serious about passing an immigration law that could actually work." The Senate narrowly defeated an amendment sponsored by Cornyn that would have barred terrorists, violent gang members, sex offenders, alien smugglers who use firearms, and repeat drunk drivers from being awarded any immigration benefits.
So I ask again what is our government trying to reform? It sounds like they are trying to make foreign criminals into U.S. citizens.
I am a little puzzled as to why if 80+% of Americans are against legalizing any of the illegal immigrants that they not only want to let them all stay and become citizens..but we also want their criminals too? WTF?

Even a US felon looses the bulk of their rights -- but we want to give illegal felons more rights?

Is there a noxious gas leaking onto the Senate floor that is making these people stupid or is this just what God graced them with upon their birth?
Thank you, Democrat-controlled Senate.

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