Saturday, October 31, 2009

What do you think about the knew law of inmigrations?

Okay I belive that any one who wants to do good is alowwed in this country but, stopping everyone...mmmm not so good
What new laws? There is a bill in congress that will get a whole bunch of politicians sent packing if they pass it. Is that what you are referring to?
I don't know what law your talking about, but my views on immigration are very jaded. I believe that if your going to come to my country, know the English language in order to communicate, but don't expect me to learn yours if I went to your country to live you'd expect the same from me. I want to be able to express my views without this "political correctness" I don't care if your offended, the Constitution affords me certain rights and that's one of them. This is where I was born and my "race "should not have to give jobs to yours just because of the color of your skin, in fact RACE should have nothing to do with it your skills should determine who gets the job. Now I'm not saying I'm better, but neither are they. Most of the immigrants I have come into contact with lie, cheat, and steal because they are"owed" something and that's not how real life works so deal with it.
The problem is really complex. On the one hand we have a large number of illegals (estimated at 20 million) leaching off the system and a very porous borders and on the other hand we have a real need for immigrant labor. With an unemployment rate of around 4% we have roughly six million unemployed and an estimated 12 million working illegal immigrants; so even if every unemployed person took one of those jobs we would still be 6 million short. On the other hand we need to stop the influx of illegals who want to leach off the system and those who want to do us harm. The current bill is huge (over 700 pages) so I am not sure what is in it, but the President's idea is sound. You add to the border patrol and create a fence (both physical and virtual) to try and seal the borders and you create a guest worker program that controls the influx of immigrants into the country (the current 400,000 number is impractical) You also must enforce the penalties against employers for now there will be no real benefit to hire an illegal when you can hire "guest workers" who are legal. This should bring the hidden workers into the open and remove cover for those who want to abuse the system or do us harm. The real problem is the next presidential election. Who can you trust to follow through and see that the enforcement side happens and not just the guest worker program, that the penalties are enforced and it just doesn't become amnesty. While I would have trusted Bush to do this he will be gone and the current front runners create a real problem in my mind. You know the three leading democrats as well as McCain will let it turn into amnesty. I'm not sure where Giuliani will ultimately end up on this and only Romney will put enforcement first. So all in all I believe this bill needs to go down in defeat.

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